Acne Lasertreatments
How does IPL Photorejuvenation work?
Acne Lasertreatments
The flash lamp produces light which is carefully filtered before it reaches the skin. This ensures that only light of the correct wavelength is allowed to touch the skin.
Acne Lasertreatments
The light that is allowed through is the type that body substances respond to. Age spots contain a substance called melanin and blood vessels contain another substance called haemoglobin. When cells containing a lot of melanin or haemoglobin are hit with the right wavelength of laser light, they heat up and are destroyed.
Acne Lasertreatments
The process:
- A series of 2-3 treatment sessions are schedules 3 weeks apart
- A cooling gel is applied to soothe and protect the skin
- A chilled hand piece is gently applied to the skin
- Pulses of light are delivered which rejuvenate both the superficial and deeper skin layers
- A full face treatment takes 30 minutes
IPL Photorejuvenation is used to:
- Decrease fine lines and wrinkles
- Give skin a smoother texture
- Lighten brown spots and even out facial pigmentation
- Reduce facial redness and flushing
- Decrease dilated and broken blood vessels
- Minimize mild scars and small facial imperfections
- Revitalize and rejuvenate skin
Does it hurt?
No anesthetics are required during IPL and most patients describe it was a warming sensation similar to the feeling you'd have after a day at the beach. The lighter the skin, the less the discomfort.
Any special precautions before and after IPL treatments?
Avoid suntanning throughout your treatment or else the laser light will be absorbed by the melanin in the skin, making IPL more uncomfortable and less effective.
Generally, no post-treatment after IPL is necessary but people with sensitive skin may benefit from applying an ice pack to the face immediately after treatment or applying an ointment prescribed by the doctor. It is also best to apply sunscreen of minimum SPF 20 for a few weeks after treatment.
What can I expect?
You may notice that your skin looks a little "dirty" for a few days after the IPL treatment. After that, your skin will look smoother and fresher.
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