Saturday, December 17, 2011

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

Acne Lasertreatments

Age spots are collections of pigment caused by exposure to the sun. (also called liver spots and solar lentigo) Age Spots also called is Liver spots and solar lentigo. Age spots are flat, gray, brown or black spots. Liver spots are flat brown-black spots that usually occur in sun-exposed areas of the body. Liver spots are extremely common after the age of 55 and occur most commonly on the backs of hands or the forehead. True age spots are harmless and don't need treatment, but they can look like cancerous growths. For cosmetic reasons, age spots can be lightened with skin-bleaching products or removed. Liver spots mostly appear in areas consistently exposed to sunlight (the face and backs of hands, for example), although they also are occasionally found on less exposed areas. Ultraviolet (UV) light accelerates the production of melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment in the epidermis that gives your skin its normal color. The extra melanin is produced to protect the deeper layers of your skin -- creates the darker color of a tan. Age spots develop when the extra melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in higher concentrations than normal. Skin discoloration is caused by increased pigmentation. Sun avoidance and the use of good sun screen protection can help lessen the appearance of both lentigines and freckles.

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Age spots are harmless. Age spots range from freckle-size to more than a centimeter across and can group together, making them more prominent. Often, age spots are accompanied by other signs of sun damage. Symptom is a skin lesion that is a painless, flat patch or macule (area of skin color change). Liver spots are the result of a "ceroid" pigment build up in the skin of older people. These latter spots are the outward signs of free radical destruction within the body. There is pre-oxidation of fats--in the cells instead of in the liver. Free radical damage produces waste materials in cells throughout the body, including the brain and liver. Liver spots do not become cancerous. Still, if a spot changes in color, size, or shape. Age spots can be treated with freezing, acids, skin sanding, electric needle and any other methods which causes a superficial destruction of the skin. Lasers are much more precise and less damaging to the skin because light is used to selectively remove the pigment without damaging the normal surrounding skin. There is also less pain and less healing time required to recover from laser treatment than with non-laser treatments. Liver spots can be lightened with skin-bleaching products or removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). Cryotherapy (freezing) or laser treatment may be recommended to destroy the liver spots.

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Age spots home remedies Tips

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1.Aloe Rubbing fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the spots will help fade them. Use the gel twice a day for a month or two. Juice from the aloe plant is excellent for healing burns and is also beneficial as a general healing agent.

2.Apple cider vinegar Combine two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of orange juice and apply to the spots, preferably on a cloth or cotton pad that is secured to the area.

3.Bilberry herb slows some of the aging processes and acts as an antioxidant. Take 4-8 oz. of fresh berries, 80-160 mg of bilberry extract (25% anthocyanidin), or 20-40 mg anthocyanosides daily.

4.Buttermilk Dab buttermilk on the spots. The lactic acid and other ingredients in the milk are beneficial to the skin. Buttermilk has been used for generations as a skin cleanser and as a beauty aid.

5.Castor oil Apply castor oil on the spots in the morning and in the evening, and rub well into the skin. The spots should disappear within a month.

6. Take fresh or canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), mash about 1/3 cupful and add a little water. Smear this paste on the spots and leave it there until it dries.

7.Dandelion Break open a dandelion stem and rub the sap on the spots 2-3x per day. Good for warts, too. Will Greer (Grandpa Walton) used this method successfully.

8.Using the ancient Chinese herb gotu kola. Mix 1/8 teaspoon of powdered herb into a cup of herbal tea or add it to plain hot water along with 1/8 teaspoon of ginseng and a pinch of cayenne. This remedy should clear the spots in a few days.

9. Mix one teaspoon grated horseradish root, 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil. Dab onto your age spots with a cotton ball once or twice a day (less if you have sensitive skin); it will exfoliate the top layer of skin and your spot should lighten. Jeanette Jacknin, M.D. in Smart Medicine for Your Skin.

10.Some fresh lemon juice on the spots twice daily. If you are going outdoors, wait for the juice to dry as it increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. It may take a few months, but the acidity in the juice will cause the spots to fade away.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

Acne Lasertreatments

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hyperpigmentation - Those Ugly Brown Spots On Skin!

Acne Lasertreatments

More specifically Melasma or Lentigos

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The brown spots we get on our skin happen from an irregular distribution of melanin. Either this can result in melasma, which is an uneven production of melanocytes causing light brown spots; or in lentigos (age spots) which are an uneven accumulation of melanocytes in the epidermis resulting in brown spots.

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The melanocyte cells are located in the basal cell skin layer. These cells control the making of melanin, which gives each person their coloring. The rate of melanin production differs between each person being greater in dark skinned individuals.

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Outside factors also affect the production of melanin, which may cause brown spots:

Sun exposure Certain medications & chemicals Hormones - pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills Underlying health problems - nervous disorders Acne

Melasma produces irregular, pale brown blotches that usually appear on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and upper chest. On darker skin, the blotches show up lighter than the surrounding skin. Melasma is common during pregnancy, menopause and in woman taking oral contraceptives. Sun exposure will make the brown spots worse.

Lentigos, also known as age or liver spots, are flat, light reddish-brown spots that appear on the face, throat, chest, back of hands, upper back and shoulders. Lentigos typically show up on skin, which is repeatedly exposed to sunlight. The ultraviolet sunlight causes overstimulation of the melanocyte cells in the skin. The cells clump together and show up as age spots.

Lentigos spots can vary in size from small to a couple of inches in width. They happen more often on light-skinned people and can start to be noticeable as early as the age of 30.

Even though both of these melanin-produced spots are harmless, they are unattractive to most people. So what gets rid of them?

Over the counter products that can be used to erase brown spots on skin are:

Bleaching (depigmenting) products which include- Hydroquinone (use only on fair to light skin tones - possibly irritating) Kojic Acid (an alternative for darker skin tones) Azelaic Acid Arbutin Ellagic Acid Retinoids (Retinoic Acid) Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Bleaching products work by inhibiting the production of the enzyme tyrosinase, which in turn reduces melanin. Over time, the brown spots will fade. Bleaching products will not lighten skin beyond its' own natural color, so do not worry about going to light.

Retinoids, Vitamin C, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids can slowly fade brown spots on their own. However, they are best used in conjunction with bleaching products since they will boost the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

Always use adequate sun protection when using any of these ingredients. Your skin will be extra sensitive to the sun. In addition, hydroquinone will be rendered useless if you do not use sunscreen.

Options that are available through a skin care professional are:

Laser Treatments (less damaging to skin) Chemical Face Peels Freezing the area with liquid nitrogen (may cause white spots)

Hyperpigmentation - Those Ugly Brown Spots On Skin!

Acne Lasertreatments

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Best Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars Or Any Facial Imperfections

Acne Lasertreatments

Are you tired of being called the spotted one? Well, then get rid of your facial scars with these helpful tips on how to choose the best treatment option.

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Many of us have small acne scars, burn scars or even keloid scars. The kind of scars differ from person to person but as per stats, over 65% people have some sort of facial scaring - minor or major. Don't we all want to get rid of even that tiny acne scar on the cheek or that major burn that's a stab on your features? Yes, we all hate scars. So, how do we get rid of them?

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Well, there are many ways to remove scars. I would recommend you to not go to a doctor and try home remedies. Natural scar removal is the way to go.

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Some people swear that silicone creams work for them, while surgery seems to be the only option for others. People views on how to get their scars removed vary from person to person. Do you think by paying your surgeon a truck load of money and suffering from several side effects is the only solution? If you think so, you are wrong. The scar solution is a good alternative.

Find good home remedies that work and are inexpensive. Don't get lured into expensive and painful laser treatments. You can easily find a lot of home treatments which take time but work very well. It's better to wait for few months to see positive effects with these scar treatments rather than opting to go under the knife.

Best Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars Or Any Facial Imperfections

Acne Lasertreatments

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best Options For Removing Acne Scars

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If you have suffered from acne before, you have probably been left with some acne scars on your face. And if you're wondering what are some of the best options available for removing these annoying scars, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share with you some of the options available for you to consider.

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One of the best options I know of is called "laser re-surfacing". This procedure is normally carried out within a hospital or medical center by a doctor or dermatologist. This is a corrective surgical technique where the top layer of your skin is removed, revealing a clean fresh layer without scars. It's the fastest way to eliminate acne scars.

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Laser re-surfacing is a sure-fire method for removing acne scars once and for all. However, the downside to this option is the high cost involved. The cost can range from 0 to 00 per treatment depending on the modality and the areas to be lasered or re-surfaced.

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Those who suffer from deep acne scarring (ice pick scars) due to severe acne can consider a procedure called the "punch graft". This is a complicated procedure where the scarred skin is replaced by good and healthy skin removed from other parts of the body.

Both options mentioned above can permanently get rid of acne scars but they can be both painful and expensive. In most cases, you need a few round of treatments to get the best results. Before deciding which option to take, make sure you consult with your local dermatologist first.

On the lighter side, there are also home based remedies that can help fade acne scars. One popular treatment is to rub vitamin E onto the scarred area. Vitamin E can be purchased in a liquid form or in capsule that you can cut open and apply the vitamin directly onto your scars.

Although home based remedies won't remove acne scars entirely, it does help reduce the appearance of scars. They're also safe and inexpensive.

Best Options For Removing Acne Scars

Acne Lasertreatments

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So - What's the Best Way to Treat Acne

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What's the best way to treat acne ? That question is the monkey on our backs. We're going to look at
the best way to treat acne and keep it in its cage so to speak. I think it has to be a multi pronged attack.
YES it is a battle. One that has to be waged daily, at least till our early to mid twenties, for most of us.

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For this article I'm going to use the "kiss" method. Keep It Simple Stupid . There is alot of great
technical information available. I'm boiling it down to some easy to understand battle plans.

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So let's first look at our enemy and the forces that would free it. Acne vulgaris is the most common
type that teens get. The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several
factors. The main factor is high hormone levels. These hormones increase in both boys and girls during
puberty. The hormones cause a gland at the base of the hair follicle to produce higher levels of an oily
substance called sebum. These glands are most prevalent in the hair follicles concentrated in the face,
back, neck and shoulders. The acne comes about when the pores get clogged by skin cells and the sebum
gets trapped .The sebum and the cells turn into bacteria. That causes the infection.

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Other factors related to acne are heredity, environmental pollution and even somewhat to what we eat
and drink. But here I must say that the myth of eating chocolate is NOT true. I'll go more into the foods
we eat later. Several factors can make acne worse. When the skin is scrubbed hard, acne can become
worse. Hormone levels in girls and women may cause worse acne 2-7 days before their menstrual period
starts. Squeezing can spread the infection. Hats, helmets and even bangs can be places where oils can
gather. Certain drugs are known to cause acne. Leaning on or rubbing your face can clog the pores.
Greasy, heavy makeup is also a contributing factor.

So -what's the best way to treat acne, and keep that monkey in its cage?

Many people see a dermatologist. They can prescribe drugs that work on lowering the hormone levels
as well as other topical treatments. Recently blue laser treatments have become popular. But for this
article we are covering simple things that we can do at home.

The first and longest term plan, I feel is your diet. Although as stated acne isn't caused by chocolate,
processed and greasy foods, those foods may contribute to producing oils and fats in your body.
Nutritionists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia studied 50 boys with acne, moderate to severe.
Half of the boys were given diets high in processed foods while the other half were given a more natural
diet consisting of wholegrain breads, pastas and legumes, foods with a low glycemic index. These low-
GI foods are digested and absorbed by the body slowly, producing more subtle fluctuations in blood
sugar (glucose) and insulin levels. They were also given plenty of proteins such as red meat and seafood.
Also drinking plenty of water helps the body flush out the bad things.

The second plan here is to cleanse the face in the morning and evening. You don't want to over do it or
use harsh cleansers. This dries out your face and then your body will over produce oils to
compensate. You want to use a mild abrasive wash and not scrub hard. After your face is dry then apply
an oil free moisturizer. There are several companies that make products that work together, or
regiments. I prefer the natural type regiments. Also paying special attention to areas where oils gather
like hats and bangs etc.

Now if and I should say when you get an occurrence, that monkey out of the cage. There are several
over the counter applications that help open the pores and clean the infected area. Here again I prefer the
natural ingredients. But there are several commercial products that work well. The most effective are
those containing benzyl peroxide, salicylic acids, sulfur and sulfur with resorcinol. Above all don't
squeeze the area. This will cause a spread and most likely a scar.
Less widely used treatments
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory in skin infections
Niacinamide, (Vitamin B3) used topically in the form of a gel, has been shown in a 1995 study to be
more effective than a topical antibiotic used for comparison, as well as having less side effects Topical
niacinamide is available both on prescription and over-the-counter.
Even some home remedies have had some good results. One is that when the area is just starting to show
signs of an outbreak. Place an ice cube in saran wrap and put it on the effected area. Not too long just a
bout 2 minutes. Too long can cause frost bite. This brings down the swelling and helps with redness.
Also toothpaste is said to draw out the oil. Not gels, use paste .As a side note, toothpaste also helps the
itch from insect bites, like mosquitoes. A warm compress or shower before cleansing, to open pores.

To conclude, the fact that eating good foods to help keep the system flushed, thorough not harsh
cleaning are the best ways to keep that door shut. If it opens a crack then the best way to treat acne
breakout, is I feel natural ingredient formulas. All ways of treating acne don't work for everyone. That's
the bad news but if you try different things and when you find what works best for you, get into a
routine and life style habits that keep that monkey where it belongs.

So - What's the Best Way to Treat Acne

Acne Lasertreatments

Monday, December 12, 2011

Acne Scars: Treatment and Prevention

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Acne scars are one of the most pervasive dermatological problems. They are common for people of all ages. Typically, they are a result of inflammation that occurs when bacteria, dead cells and access oil combined together and started pressing on the walls of the skin pore and breaks the follicle wall. Up to 80 percent of people in their teenage years are getting affected by acne. While many of these people recover from the said skin condition without permanent effects, some are left with scars.

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There are a few topical skin care medications that can help improve mild scarring. Most acne scars can also be treated by means of skin resurfacing and surgical procedure combinations.

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Treatment Options

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Not all scars can be avoided even with careful treatment. But the good news is there are now a number of treatment options that you can choose to minimize the appearance of acne scars. Your doctor will check how severe your scars are and may recommend you any of the following treatment options:

• Dermabrasion. This is a kind of skin smoothing surgery where the skin's top layers are removed. A special device is used in this treatment option to gently sand the surface of the skin to normal and healthy skin. Normally, an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly is applied on the skin to lessen scaring and scab formation.

• Chemical Peels. In this procedural treatment, a chemical or exfoliating agent is applied on the skin. Among the most common agents used include lactic acid, trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, carbocilic acid and salicylic acid. Chemical peels usually range from light to deep strength, depending on the chemical agent used and how much time it should stay on the skin. How much peeling should be made also depends on the skin condition and expected results. Chemical peels are often suggested to those who have mild acne scars.

Laser Treatments. There are two (2) categories of laser that are used to treat acne scars. These are ablative or resurfacing laser and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers take off the skin's outer layer, burning scar tissues and tightening the dermal collagen. Through this way, the visibility of the scar is reduced. In laser resurfacing, erbium YAG laser and ultrapulsed carbon dioxide laser are commonly used. Since the skin is damaged and unprotected tissues are exposed, effort should be exerted in wound care and avoiding infection. The skin may redden for a couple of months or even a year afterwards.

Non-ablative lasers sets off changes in the dermis without damaging the epidermis. The newest FDA approved laser for this kind of treatment is called "smoothbeam."

• Filler Substances. For shallow and saucer-shaped acne scars, filler substances are commonly used. There has been an increase in the amount of filler substances used in plumping up acne scars. Cosmoderm, Fasciian, Restylane, Artecoll, Cymetra and bovine collagen are available.

Acne Scar Prevention Tips

As soon as acne develops, treat it! The most effective means in avoiding acne scars is by preventing the development of acne into a severe form. Do not wait for acne to go away on its own, but start treating it right away. Consult a dermatologist to know if your acne is unresponsive to topical medications or over-the-counter treatments. As possible, avoid doing things that could irritate your skin like using harsh skin care products and aggressive scrubbing.

Acne Scars: Treatment and Prevention

Acne Lasertreatments

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Laser Treatment For Skin Problems

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More and more people turn to laser treatment for their skin troubles. You can treat a wide variety of problems via laser treatment, including unwanted facial hair, acne, sun damage, birthmarks, and even wrinkles.

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Like any other technology, laser skin treatment has its pluses and its minuses. There are more advantages than disadvantages, however. For one thing, it is the treatment of choice to get rid of unwanted hair anywhere on the body or face. That doesn't mean that it is permanent and complete removal of the hair. The hair growth does slow down however. It even works on very thick, coarse hair especially facial hair.

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Laser treatment also works on acne and wrinkles. Anywhere you want to zap wrinkles or acne, you can use laser as a treatment.

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When using it on the face, don't go too close to the eyes. You can use laser treatments for all kinds of acne, such as blackheads, whiteheads, and other pimples.

Sun damage is an especially difficult skin problem to treat. If you have sun damaged skin and other methods have failed, try laser treatment. You may have to have a strong pulse of laser used for the treatment to be effective, so be aware that there may be some redness or even slight burns.

At this point you may be thinking that these treatment sounds like the perfect miracle skin cure-all. There's one problem - it is expensive. And for most of these treatments to be effective, you will need several sessions.

The treatments is safe for most people. Some people who have sensitive skin may experience a few side effects such as mild burning or skin rash. Topical medicine to alleviate these symptoms is readily available and can be prescribed to you if you experience difficulty with treatment.

There are other options besides laser treatment of course. For wrinkles and acne, you can always try over-the-counter topical treatments. You can use oral medicines or other devices. Why not try some of these other options first before resorting to laser treatments, since it is so expensive?

Laser Treatment For Skin Problems

Acne Lasertreatments